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Walking the Shamans Path...

There is a balance to be learned between the physical human being-ness and that of the emotional/spiritual body that has always driven me to try to understand why we are here and what we have to learn from our experiences in life.  There is something so profound and deeply significant in understanding that we are born with the natural capacity to balance the mind, body, and spirit and heal ourselves, and yet we forget how to use that magnificent potential.  At our core essence, we are truly powerful Beings of light energy, We have been given a physical body that is exceptionally intricate by design and our thoughts are just as exceptionally powerful.  Mastering the two is the key to becoming the co-creative manifestors that we came here to become.  

We are after all, are we not Spirit in Human Form? 


It is my life's work to support those who seek empowerment in balancing these worlds and share my learned knowledge to be their own catalyst for change and transformation.  If we should meet on this path of life, perhaps I may share the visions that I see and share the healing light and loving energies that bring restoration, relaxation, rebalancing, refocusing, and transformation. 


I was always a highly sensitive, intuitive child.  By today's standards, I would most probably have been labeled a neurodiverse child.  Highly sensitive to my environment and all that encompassed (sight, sounds, textures, smells). Highly empathic, extremely emotional and ultra-aware, and intuitive of people, places, and things.   Growing up in a small town in England I was very much misunderstood for these 'abilities' and my inner world became my safe place.  That's where I became the observer of my thoughts, my quiet voice, and the divine support that was guiding me.   My life's journey has been filled with travels around the world, to sacred places where mystical transformations and beautiful teachers slowly awakened me to a life of service that was waiting for me, but only when the time was ready.  I was not.  Marriage, joy, three children, a divorce, cancer, family losses, material losses, grief, a profound dark night of the soul, and awakening and rebirth into the life and path I was destined to travel.  

I have been humbled and filled with grace, gratitude, and love.  A lightworker standing strong, supporting those who seek my guidance in their own awakening process.


In 2011 was certified as a Usui Reiki Master.  My life has never been the same since and for this, I am truly grateful.  My journey of re-learning my intuitive skills and shamanic practices was fast and intense.  My wake-up call was unlike anything I had ever known but confirmed everything that I had always wondered about.  The energetic body just had to catch up with everything that I was learning and that took a little while to adjust through my being willing to physically change my diet and my daily physical and spiritual practices.    I later became attuned to Holy Fire® III Usui Reiki Master level & Holy Fire ® III Karuna ® Reiki Master (my favorite energy),  and a Certified Trans Crystal Therapist (love my crystals!!!). 


In 2018 I had a nagging intuition that some great change and transformation of humanity was about to happen. I began holding weekly meditation classes I called "Awakenings".  I would channel my guides and mostly prepare my students, teaching them how to "go within" to heal, nurture, and discover the divinity and empowerment that lay within. I also was guided to return to school.  As I was working with a predominantly teen population at the time, I I intended to gain my Drug and Alcohol Counselors Certificate that way I could balance between the physical and spiritual worlds of their spiritual awakenings ethically.  Then the darkness hit.  The timing was divine in more ways than one!  While on lockdown, I continued my education with a focus on psychology, early childhood, and middle and adolescent development and received my bachelor's degree in psychology.  Today, I am continuing my master studies studies to gain further support for family systems and early child and adolescent development.  I believe in working with each person individually and then as a whole unit.  I believe that children are our future and that we must invest not only in the social-emotional development of our children but through that work, we can learn to heal our inner child and create social-emotional balance within ourselves. 


I truly believe the ultimate goal for all of us is to find the Love and the divinity that resides within each of us. 


My work is holistic, meeting each child, adolescent, and adult through a humanistic approach, understood as a whole person, mind, body, and spirit.  Together we build a bridge between the conscious, unconscious, and spiritual realms and I work to support my clients in understanding how everything is connected and manifests between the mind, thoughts, behavior, body, and spirit. 


We are divine beings of light and are all here with a unique purpose.   


My Earth Walk so far has taken me through many lessons of growth in life, loss, love, and every once in a while miracles. I am constantly humbled and filled with Grace. I look forward to working with you and hope that together we find the miracles in your life journey!


You are so deeply Loved!




A special mention to my beloved teachers, mentors, and guides; Patricia Asheme Bankins, Ayamanatara,

Lorrin McCormick, Lord Melchizedek, Saint Germaine, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Jesus, Kuan Yin, my Guardian Angel and the Councils of Light. 

You have all been my light in the darkness and way showers that miracles do come true, and proof that unconditional love exists.   I love you dearly with all my heart.

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